2009 | IGES
The Programme of National 3R Strategy Development was initiated as one of the outcomes of the Ministerial Conference on the 3R Initiative held in Tokyo, Japan, in March 2005. The project was funded by the Ministry of the Environment of Japan and the Asian Development Bank (for Viet Nam only) and jointly implemented by the United Nations Centre for Regional Development (UNCRD), the United Nations Environmental Programme / Regional Resource Centre in Asia and the Pacific (AIT/UNEP RRC.AP), and the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES). In anticipation of Asia’s serious waste and resource-related challenges together with the region’s rapid economic development, the project has aimed to disseminate and raise awareness on the 3R concept and to foster strong political leadership for the 3R implementation in Asian countries.
These guidelines aim to provide a framework for preventing recycling-related plastic and pellet losses, and environmental leakage. The guidelines are useful for a broad spectrum of stakeholders, particularly policymakers and key plastic recycling actors, including informal waste pickers, junkshops, consolidators, and plastic recycling craft villages. The application of these guidelines is expected to contribute to improving production efficiency in the plastic recycling chain while preventing plastic leakage into the environment.
The manual aim to support both formal and informal recycling enterprises in preventing plastic pollution by advocating best practices and promoting proper housekeeping within informal recycling facilities.
The main goal of this study is to evaluate plastic and pellet losses and leakage from the logistical handling and pre-processing operations of informal recycling groups in Thailand, focusing on recovered post-consumer plastic waste and factory processing operations. The focus areas of this study are the Nonthaburi Municipality and Pattaya City.
This study was conducted following on a simplified three-step approach: 1) collect and analyse data and information relevant to plastic leakage from informal sector recycling; 2) engage with key stakeholders; and 3) disseminate the outcomes of the study.
Situation Assessment Report on Plastic Leakage Prevention from Formal and Informal Recycling Facilities, Manila City and Iloilo City - Philippines
Situation Assessment Report on the Prevention of Plastic and Resin Pellet Leakage from Formal and Informal Recycing Factories, Hanoi - Vietnam