Waste Minimization is a waste management approach that focuses on reducing the amount and toxicity of hazardous waste generated. In addition to hazardous wastes regulated under The Resource Conservation and Recovery (RCRA), EPA encourages the minimization of all wastes.
2014 | City of Melbourne
Keywords: Healthy City, Total Watermark, Healthy Catchment
Strategy SnapShotTotal Watermark City as a Catchment is our plan for integrated water cycle management for the next four years.Our vision is a healthy city in a healthy catchment. Seeing our city as a catchment means that we recognise the important roles of the natural and man-made catchments, including roads, roofs and impermeable surfaces. We want the whole of Melbourne community residents, workers and businesses alike, to think about water and its role in our future, to help create a healthy city in a healthy catchment.The water security pressures caused by Melbourne recent 13-year drought have fundamentally changed the way we use water in our homes, offices and public open spaces, for recreation and for commercial and industrial purposes.
2008 | RRC.AP
Keywords: 3R
This report discusses the prevailing situations in managing urban municipal wastes for 15 Asian countries- Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brunei, Cambodia, China, Darussalam, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Lao, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam. The report discusses the priority areas of concern for each country according to the surveyed data and status of the 3R Technology.
2010 | RRC.AP
Keywords: municipal waste
Solid waste management is one of the major environmental burdens particularly in megacities of many developed and developing Asian countries. An alarming rate of solid waste generation trends can be seen parallel to urbanization, industrialization and economic development. This environmental burden continues to be a major pressing issue threatening the environment and health of the people. Unless environmental measures are introduced and effectively enforced, continuing burdens of solid waste management will be inevitable. This report presents and discusses the status-quo and issues of Municipal Waste in 14 countries in Southeast and East Asia. Aspects of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) included herein are generation and composition, policies and regulations, economic instruments, current practices of MSW and other management strategies. The report also presents some propositions and policy recommendations in order to determine regional collective actions on the status-quo and issues regarding Municipal Waste.