Ulaanbaatar Waste Management Improvement Strategy and Action Plan 2017-2030

2017 | RRC.AP

The UWMISAP is divided into five chapters. The first chapter provides a background for the need for a city waste management strategy for Ulaanbaatar and outlines the process of developing a strategy and action plan. The existing situation of Ulaanbaatar’s solid waste generation as well as waste handling and legal framework are discussed in Chapter 2. Based on the baseline information provided in Chapter 2, a list of strategies to fill existing gaps and tap potential opportunities is described in Chapter 3. Chapter 4 presents specific actions to be accomplished under each strategic objective. Chapter 5 concludes with arrangements for implementing and monitoring the UWMISAP.

Mongolia National Waste Management Improvement Strategy and Action Plan 2017-2030

2017 | AIT RRC.AP

The NWMISAP is arranged into five chapters. The first chapter provides the background for the need of a waste management strategy, the existing situation of waste management in Mongolia and the current policy and legal framework. Chapter Two describes the strategy development process. Based on this baseline information, a list of strategies to fill the existing gaps and tap the potential opportunities are laid out in the third chapter. Translating these strategic objectives into actions is presented in Chapter Four. The fifth chapter concludes with arrangements for implementation and monitoring of the NWMISAP.

Sanitation Finance in Rural Cambodia

2012 | The world bank, Water and Sanitation Program

This document presents the findings of a study on sanitation finance in Cambodia conducted for the Water and Sanitation Program (WSP) with support from the Asian Development Bank (ADB). The overall objective of the assignment was to consider sustainable sanitation financing options with a focus on promoting access for the poorest. 

Asian Sanitation Data Book 2008: Achieving Sanitation for All

2009 | Asian Development Bank

The first data book on sanitation for the Asia and Pacific region, this book features raw data and analyses on the sanitation situation in 27 cities. The initiative was realized in response to the needs of Asian cities and local governments, which gathered at the International Seminar on Sanitation 2007— Delivering Our Vision: Sanitation for All, organized by CITYNET, ADB, and the city government of Makati, at the ADB headquarters in Metro Manila, Philippines, in November 2007. Sanitation has long been an issue that has received little attention due to its complexity. The absence of relevant data has hindered cities and local governments from adopting appropriate policies and strategies to meet the provision of “sanitation for all.” Moreover, technologies that reflect the needs of communities, as well as the communities’ ability and willingness to pay for better sanitation, are limited. This publication, the first joint effort of CITYNET, the Asian Development Bank (ADB), the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-HABITAT), and Veolia Environnement, highlights the need for more work to be done on sanitation in Asia and the Pacific. Focus and action must be directed at accurate data collection and management to support decision making, appropriate and low-cost technologies, and the allocation of resources for the provision of sanitation. These are but a few issues that need immediate attention and action. Contents Summary of Findings Sanitation Comparison City Sanitation Profile Appendix

Identifying Constraints to Increasing Sanitation Coverage

2008 | The world bank, Water and Sanitation Program

This field note summarizes research from two studies undertaken in rural and peri-urban areas of Cambodia; one on the demand forlatrines among consumers, and the other on the supply of latrines by the private sector. It provides discussion on the opportunity toincrease latrine purchase and installation via market forces, andoutlines the recommended interventions on both the demand andsupply dimensions of the market to achieve this. There is a strong demand for latrines among the Cambodian population, yet this demand remains mostly unrealized. While there is a functioning market for latrines, it is constrained by a strong preference for unaffordable top-end designs on the consumer side, and a limited ability to supply lower cost or upgradable latrines on the supply side. These weaknesses can be addressed. It has been demonstratedthrough Community Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) efforts that the high-end design preference can be overcome and consumers will construct cheaper latrines if adequately motivated to do so. The supply side needs to be strengthened to provide for the cheapest and mid-range end of the market. The components ofcheaper designs are available. However, cheaper design options are not ‘packaged’ in a way that is obvious or easily accessible to consumers, nor with clear pricing information, nor in a way that maps out an upgrade path starting with a lower cost initialinvestment. Developing market strategies that supply the required packaged information, products and services and that equally focus on demand creation to persuade consumers to consider alternate and more affordable options, may help turn stated demand into an actual acquisition and contribute to increased sanitation coverage in the country.

Economic Impacts of Sanitation in Cambodia Summary

2008 | The world bank, Water and Sanitation Program

In 2004, only about 17\% of Cambodian people had access to improved sanitation, meaning that there were still more than 11 million Cambodians living with an unimproved latrine or with no latrine at all. Although the figure given by the Cambodia Demographic and Health Survey (CDHS) in 2005 indicates the increase of access coverage to nearly 22\% in 2005, it is estimated that about 204,000 people need to gain access to improved latrines each year if Cambodia is to achieve the internationally-set Millennium Development Goal target of reducing by half in 2015 the proportion of people without improved sanitation from the base year of 1990. While there is a consensus that lack of access to clean water and improved sanitation has a variety of impacts, there is often a lack of evidence to affirm that poor sanitation imposes a significant burden on society. In response, the “Sanitation Impact” study, initiated by the World Bank Water and Sanitation Program, aims to generate sound evidence on the negative impacts of existing sanitation and hygiene conditions and the potential benefits of improvementsin sanitation and hygiene in Cambodia.

The kNOwWaste Knowledge Platform was developed through a Project Cooperation Agreement funding by UNEP on 2016. The platform provides data and information on holistic waste management to stakeholders in Asia and the Pacific region. The platform was developed with the following aims: generate and consolidate data or information on holistic waste management, transform data into easily comprehensible outputs for use by key stakeholders, map out and disseminate information on international waste management projects under the GPWM and UNEP projects as well as other international partners, and provide capacity building support through dissemination of data or information support for relevant stakeholders on holistic waste and waste management system.
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