2009 | UNEP
Thes books are in the series of training manuals on developing Integrated Solid Waste Management (ISWM) plan. This manual aims to build the capacity of practitioners and policy makers in waste characterization and quantifiÂÂcation with projections for future for all the waste generating sectors viz.: residential, commercial, construction and demolition, healthcare and industrial sectors.
2009 | Elsevier
Human activities generate waste and the amounts tend to increase as the demand for quality of life increases. Today rate in the Southeast Asian Nations (ASEANs) is alarming, posing a challenge to governments regarding environmental pollution in the recent years. The expectation is that eventually waste treatment and waste prevention approaches will develop towards sustainable waste management solutions. This expectation is for instance reflected in the term zero emission systems.
2009 | Vietnam Environment Administration
2009 | Cambodian Institute for Cooperation and Peace
Solid waste management consists of two sectors: the formal operation and the informal scavenging activities. Because scavenging contributes to solid waste management economically and environmentally and also serves as an occupation for some of the most impoverished in the city, recently it has become the focus of scholarly deliberation. A notion of integrating this informal sector of SWM into the formal one is proposed by different scholars. Though they appear to differ in terms of approaches and arguments, their proposed policies are place-based. This paper examines the situations of solid waste management, both the formal and the informal, in Phnom Penh city, and discusses the feasibility of integrating the informal scavenging into the formal management of solid waste. It raises questions about the possible unintended consequences when informal scavenging is integrated through such place-based approach.
2009 | Elsevier
Human activities generate waste and the amounts tend to increase as the demand for quality of life increases. Today's rate in the Southeast Asian Nations (ASEANs) is alarming, posing a challenge to governments regarding environmental pollution in the recent years. The expectation is that eventually waste treatment and waste prevention approaches will develop towards sustainable waste management solutions. This expectation is for instance reflected in the term 'zero emission systems'. The concept of zero emissions can be applied successfully with today's technical possibilities in the agro-based processing industry.
2008 | WaterAid
This paper reflects the existing management systems practiced in various areas of Nepal in managing solid waste and contains initiatives of municipalities; national and local NGOs/CBOs; public and private entities. This paper helps to transfer the lessons and existing practices regarding soild waste managment and encourages urban, peri urban and emerging towns for similar initiatives in urban sanitation.