Waste Management Initiatives and Challenges of Nepal

2010 | Ministry of Environment, Science and Technology

Waste Management Initiatives and Challenges of NepalPresented by  Dr.Chhewang Lama(Sherpa)Ministry of Environment, Science and Technology, Nepal.Policy and legal initiatives in solid waste management encompass current approach and practices. Quantity and types of waste generation along with 3R approach in management system pave way for Public, Private Partnership approach addressing certain challenges.

Solid Waste Management in Kathmandu City, Nepal

2010 | Kathmandu Metropolitan City

Generation & Collection of KMC: Waste Generation is 0.3 kg/p/day making a total domestic waste gen. App. 246 ton/day and others: Commercial waste (12\%)app. 30 ton/day; Street Waste (12\%) app. 30 ton/day; Waste from VDC (12\%) 30 ton/day. Total Generation: 335 ton/day; Collection 306 ton/day; About 70\% waste are organic. Municipalities are completely responsible. Some new approaches are being tried out in KMC: Door-to-door collection, User fees, Source-separated collection, Composting, and Private sector participation.

Environmental GuidelinesonSolid Waste Management in Kingdom of Cambodia

2006 | Ministry of Environment of Cambodia and COMPED-Cambodian Education and waste Management Organization

Now with the economic development and increasing people the requirement using equipment for their every day living is increased too, these are the reasons of the environmental issue and because of the people through out their solid waste around the country (provinces and cities) that it is negatively effect to the public health and environment. By understanding of this issue, the Royal of Cambodian government has cared and put out some measures as: preparing regulations for ensuring proper solid waste management with environmental safety, capacity building of skill staffs, educating people to understand the negative effectiveness of waste that will happen to themselves, the proper way of waste disposal with environmental sanitation and encouraging the involved institutions and private companies to behave regulations. This environmental guideline has been gotten by trying very hard of Ministry of Environment and COMPED organization partner, this environmental guideline on Solid Waste Management in Royal Cambodia is fully detail that can be encouraged to behave the ready prepared regulations and it is an important base to help the involved institutions especially province-city authorities and private sectors to improve their Solid Waste Management which is facing the problems and make it better in the future.

PBDEs and PCBs in sediments of the Thi Nai Lagoon (Central Vietnam) and soils from its mainland

2013 | Elsevier

Concentration and distribution of PCBs, PCB 11, and PBDEs in both surficial sediment and soil samples,taken from a zone subject to recent accelerated development, were investigated to assess the environ-mental quality and understand both natural and anthropogenic processes that influence contaminantbehaviors. Values of PCB and PBDE are in the lower range of those reported in literature, typical of lowimpacted coastal zones.

Necessity of normalization to aluminum to assess the contamination by heavy metals and arsenic in sediments near Haiphong Harbor, Vietnam

2012 | Elsevier

While assessing many different aspects of contamination by heavy metals and arsenic in sediments, the natural variability in element contents which depends on the grain-size and mineralogical composition of sediments, needs to be taken into account. In previous studies, the normalization of element contents to a reference element such as Al was commonly applied to compensate for granulometric and mineralogical effects. In the present study, through the investigation on the contamination of heavy metals and arsenic in sediments near Haiphong Harbor, the necessity of the normalization towards Al is assessed.

Medical Waste and Human Rights

2011 | Health Care Without Harm

The report is divided into two sections: the first reviews the human rights in question at the global level and includes the listing of scientific references and newspaper articles. Scientific articles are cited in the test in the normal way; newspaper articles are not all cited in the text, but are included to give the reader the fullest possible picture. Where possible, URLs are provided.

The kNOwWaste Knowledge Platform was developed through a Project Cooperation Agreement funding by UNEP on 2016. The platform provides data and information on holistic waste management to stakeholders in Asia and the Pacific region. The platform was developed with the following aims: generate and consolidate data or information on holistic waste management, transform data into easily comprehensible outputs for use by key stakeholders, map out and disseminate information on international waste management projects under the GPWM and UNEP projects as well as other international partners, and provide capacity building support through dissemination of data or information support for relevant stakeholders on holistic waste and waste management system.
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